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History about Makhana

Gorgon nut it is also known as Makhana, Phool Makhana, lotus seeds, fox nut, Euryale ferox. It grows in water and is found in India, Korea, China, Japan and Russia. In India, it is popularly known as Makhana. This is a native Asian water plant and is mainly cultivated for its edible seeds. It is characterized by its hard seed coat (shell), black color and round shape with a diameter ranging from 4.5 mm to 14.5 mm.The edible part of the nut is its starchy kernel which cannot be separated easily from the raw nut. It is, therefore, popped manually by the traditional method as any other method of popping is not in practice. Popping is the process of creating superheated water vapor within the conditioned nut by heating the contained moisture, and suddenly releasing the pressure to cause a volumetric expansion of the kernel. The expanded kernel of the nut obtained through this process is the popped kernel and known as Makhana in India.


Makhana contains 9.7% easily digestible protein, 76% carbohydrate, 12.8% moisture, 0.1% fat, 0.5% total minerals, 0.9% phosphorus & 1.4%mg iron/100gm.These seeds are low in saturated fats, sodium and cholesterol and are high in magnesium potassium and phosphorus. The amino acid index (89%-93%) and arginine+lysine/proline ratio (4.74-7.6) of Makhana is high and superior when compared to other cereals. Makhana was superior to dry fruits such as almond, walnut, cashew nut and coconut in contents of sugar, proteins, ascorbic acid and phenol.


Makhana Process


Makhana Plant





Tea Container

Health Mix Powder is prepared in a scientific methods, Human Intervention is minimized. Raw materials cleaned, Soaked in water, dried in controlled atmosphere and roasted individually at different time and temperature. Material ground to ambient temperature. Volatile compounds and nutritional contents preserved. No added sugar & salt and preservatives, purely organic food mix.



Health Mix Ingredients

Major portion is the Makhana(Euryale Ferox) 40%



Saame, Navane, Sajje, Ragi, Sorgum and Udulu 25%



Green gram, Bengal Gram, Black Gram, Horse gram 15%


Dry Fruits:

Cashew Nut, Almond in flakes, Flax Seed and Ground Nut 15%



Dry Ginger, Cardamom, Fenugreek, Zeera and turmeric 5%


Health Benefits of the Mix

  • Great anti-ageing food as they have an abundance of anti-oxidants. Makhana can keep you looking younger and making your skin glow.

  • Great snack food for diabetics and heart patients as they contain good fat and have a low quantity of saturated fats.

  • Makhana good weight-loss food.

  • Makhana nuts are great detoxifying agents. They aid in flushing out toxins from the body.

  • Touted as an aphrodisiac, they help with premature ejaculation, improve quality of semen and help women suffering from infertility.

  • Makhana nuts have a low glycemic index which means that they release glucose slowly in the blood. This keeps you feeling full for longer.

  • Makhanas are gluten-free but still high on protein and carbohydrate content.

  • They are high on magnesium and potassium and low on sodium. This makes Makhana an ideal snack for those watching their weight.

  • The high potassium and low sodium is a great combination for patients suffering from hypertension.

  • The potassium brings down the blood pressure and sodium tries to bring it up. So those who suffer from high blood pressure can snack on Makhana without facing any spikes in their bp. Makhana nuts have a natural compound, kaempferol that reduces inflammation in the body. Inflammation is responsible for most modern diseases like diabetes, rheumatism. Also, fox nuts have antibacterial properties. arthritis, rheumatism. Also, fox nuts have antibacterial properties.

  • All other ingredients in the mix like millets, pulses, dry fruits and spices are also boost up the health benefits like BP, Diabetic issues, anti-inflammatory, controlling thyroid level, anticancer and boosting immunity.

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